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My experience in China was life-changing! Now ten years later I am still corresponding with my former students and friends from China. In subtle ways the testimony of Christian love was shared through caring for my students. And the love was returned and changed my heart as well. The TA experience was intellectually, emotionally, culturally, and spiritually invigorating. My advice: If you can, don’t miss this chance of a lifetime!    Jim (2000-2001, July-Aug 2005) 

It's simply an experience like no other, a kind of sensory overload. Intellectually and culturally, I feel so much better off after having immersed myself in a culture vastly unlike my own, a country with a rich tradition that is also in ways reinventing itself for a new age. Engaging with the Chinese mindset and visiting several fascinating cities all over China enriched both my mind and my experience as one who is not simply an American but part of the global community. Professionally, I relished my first full-time teach opportunity and the chance to begin to develop my teaching abilities and style. Spiritually and emotionally, I was enriched by the ways I continually found the goodness and beauty of God in people and experiences, and by the way my pursuit of intentionality in living a love-centered life drew me ever closer to and reliant on the guidance of God. Relationally, I made friends and continue to keep in contact with them. It was a genuine exchange and dialogue between two worlds, as I gave and received, taught and learned, loved and was loved. I believe my interest in and love of the Chinese people and their culture will be a permanent part of my life and will manifest itself in my future studies, teaching, writing, and pastoral work.--Matt 2010 


I originally joined Teaching Abroad for one year. That one year has grown into six wonderful years of teaching in China with TA.  Teaching in China is an amazing avenue to experience Chinese culture and Chinese people in a personal way.  The Chinese students are eager to learn from their foreign teachers, but I'm sure I have learned more from my students and from this experience than I have certainly taught.  One of the fun things I have done with my students is to teach them how to play softball.  They were so interested in it that some of the students started a softball club and we play together every week.  Teaching the rules was quite a challenge, but they picked it up quickly.  Every day is a new experience from the food to the language to the sights on the streets.  The people are friendly and welcoming and always curious about us.  If you are curious at all about having a life-changing year in China, then consider this opportunity.  Ann--TA teacher for 7 years  


The opportunity to go to China and teach through TA was a true miracle, and one of the most wonderful and pivotal years of my entire life.  The TA team was incredibly supportive - not to mention enjoyable -- at every turn.  I enjoyed my co-TA teacher so much that we spent practically all of our spare time together, and I grew so much as a person because of her mentoring influence on my life (I was 55 and she in her early 20's!).  I came to know and love this beautiful ancient culture and her people, and discovered that they love me, too.  My time with TA paved the way forward for me, and now I've been led on to teaching in a beautiful industrial park of 10,000 people in another province of China.  If you feel a leading toward working with TA - DEFINITELY GO FOR IT!  --Shelley 2009 


How can I say how much TA has changed my life? After raising my family and finding  myself alone again, it gave me the opportunity to fulfill my childhood dream- teaching! I love teaching and have been in China most of the last 11 years. I have developed  wonderful relationships, learned so much about Chinese culture and also about my own. I’ve been able to travel all around China, seeing the sites and visiting students and  their families. Living in China has given me a new confidence in my abilities, and the  opportunity to really live out my witness to people who are always watching. I’ve had  the chance to teach all kinds of things – business, nursing, banking, culture, oral English, writing and tourism. I can use all those years of working different office jobs and share  it. Also, I’ve taken the time to learn a little Chinese. It has been a great adventure finding  out where I am in the Kingdom – but the best part is knowing I belong here, in China as a teacher.  --Dorothy (13 year TA teacher) 

Chinese Cultural Information

Opinion Articles by Lishan Zeng, Student intern for Teaching Abroad  

Chinese Culture Articles- TA Web.pdf

Language Article

Language Articles for TA Web.pdf


Coming Soon!
